Oli Sorenson.

Art. Music. Text.

The sculptural series entitled “IKEA Povera” is modeled from one of the cheapest items found in the omnipresent furniture store. IKEA brands itself on minimalist interior design, but never intended to summon Sol Lewitt’s iconic grid sculpture as done so here. Or did it?



"IKEA Povera (Readymade but Unassembled)", shrinkwrapped coffee table kit, 55x75cm

"IKEA Povera (6)", coffee table installation, 90x165x165cm

"IKEA Povera (9)", coffee table installation, 135x165x165cm

"IKEA Povera (28)", coffee table installation (model), 180x385x385cm

"IKEA Povera (45)", coffee table installation (model), 135x275x275cm

"IKEA Povera (Manual / Certificate)", inkjet on paper, 42x59cm


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